Monday, November 15, 2010

What Happens When A Rack & Pinion Breaks


With the tournament in Perugia on Sunday 14 November, held in the convention "MAGNA WITH phersu", ended the 1st Italian Championship "Song of drums and shakos. The tournament was won, as has become usual, by Mark Gasbarro who also graduated from the Italian SDS sample 1, with 4 on 4 tournament wins.
I with a good 5 th place out of 14 I'm not complaining. Remarkable
lunch with the excellent Umbrian cuisine.
photos of the tournament and convention are visible here.
For the rest the most remarkable thing was a grenadier guard my Russian (which you can see a slide below) though that is completely surrounded by enemies, including a fearsome lancer horse has more right to assault to end up killed by a drummer ....... (top at left. photo )!!!!


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