Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fds Spray For Dance Shoes


To break a bit with the Napoleon I started to prepare the pieces for a scenario for the Regulation ship "Victory at Sea."
The scenario will focus on so-called "Battle of Pantelleria", an episode of the largest battle of the mezzogiugno 14-15.06.1942.
models are made of metal in scale 1 / 3000 of Navwar.
More photos here.
From top to bottom: SS
Times (English merchant);
RN Eugene of Savoy;
Montecuccoli Raymond RN, RN
Premuda RN, RN
Alfredo Oriani.

Microsoft Default Bluetooth Pin

I completed the launch of the Royal Navy in 28 mm. Britannia Miniatures. There would be painted
5 Royal Marines to put sitting on the benches among the sailors rowing, but paint them in the future.
More photos of the spear.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Riverside Sidney Samson Song Similar

In this period more than write about sports can entertain you with reviews of on the best restaurants in Italy and abroad. Yesterday I was at
Andria and I had the pleasure of dining at the restaurant Antichi Sapori ..
If you ever chance to be in the neighborhood I strongly suggest you stop, you eat well and cheaply! One recommendation is to book a few days in advance, there will be a maximum of 30 seats and is a company to get a table ..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Doctor Says Are Does Not Look Like Herpes


Saturday 20 and Sunday, November 21 was held in Genoa, the second edition of the market model INSCALA the Old Port.
The exhibition was, however, almost exclusively devoted to model railroading, and so various vendors present, with large rooms occupied by immense model railways.

On the other hand I found the trees and bridges to a very good price.
Definitely nice and friendly the car filled with graffiti.

Another nice thing about the diorama on attachment to Pearl Harbor entirely self-made, including aircraft, without recourse to any commercial kit.

Then in the afternoon visit to the Galata Sea Museum and the adjoining submarine. Sauro.

The photo at the helm of the submarine. Sauro also heralds a change of course. " Indeed dpo about six months of painting Napoleonic soldiers, began to have the first symptoms of a crisis of rejection. So once completed the launch of the Royal Navy (now come to the final bars) for the scenario of SDS in preparation, I will take a little time creating a scenario for naval Regulation "Victory at Sea."

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Happens When A Rack & Pinion Breaks


With the tournament in Perugia on Sunday 14 November, held in the convention "MAGNA WITH phersu", ended the 1st Italian Championship "Song of drums and shakos. The tournament was won, as has become usual, by Mark Gasbarro who also graduated from the Italian SDS sample 1, with 4 on 4 tournament wins.
I with a good 5 th place out of 14 I'm not complaining. Remarkable
lunch with the excellent Umbrian cuisine.
photos of the tournament and convention are visible here.
For the rest the most remarkable thing was a grenadier guard my Russian (which you can see a slide below) though that is completely surrounded by enemies, including a fearsome lancer horse has more right to assault to end up killed by a drummer ....... (top at left. photo )!!!!

How To Cut And Sew A Suit

Yet another rainy Sunday spent in the garden pruned plants .. for 2011 I want to win the title of the best gardens of Monte Marenzo! Fortunately, there Jarno
to uphold the family name in sports, is training hard and the results are good. I just hope you do not take too much hand and boiled to arrive next spring .. because, in addition to the triathlon, in which the house has three belvette devote attention!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How To Unlock A Word Lock


little to see besides the Red Square in Moscow .. is a bustling city with traffic congestion and decaying unparalleled. There are no taxis to get around and must turn to "private" cars, we hope that in your head the same direction and treat you drop the price. The prices of hotels and restaurants are very high in relation to quality, and I luckily I stayed at the hotel National in front of the Kremlin, a five-star really the top! If you want to do business
Moscow offers many opportunities, if you want to travel go elsewhere!

Monday, November 8, 2010

How Long Can You Keep Cookie Dough In The Fridge

Tomorrow morning we depart to Moscow, three days to visit the fair and Russian customers.
This weekend I rebuilt without killing the family working in the garden as I usually do, with the winter at the doors I just have to wait until all the leaves fall and then start pruning.
Soon to be added to the photographs of previous posts .. everyone can draw their own conclusions.
China is still far but we are closing the gap very quickly, Hong Kong is a fantastic city and Dubai is certainly not worth the trouble to spend a holiday .. is nice, but without a soul!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Noises In The Front Of A Honda Pilot


Pokemon Platinum Rom English Vba


How Much To Angel Bites Cost


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Much Is A Blaze King


To make room for the creativity of Pilots from all over the planet, NG International in collaboration with and under the patronage of the festival Lucca Comics & Games, launched the first iha international competition for three-dimensional models of modding Wings of War: "Wings of War Modding Contest."

I attended with my Austro-Hungarian Albatros D. III painted with the colors of the aircraft of Lt. Frank
Linke-Crawford, finishing third in the category "Historic single-Model."
The model is in scale 1 / 144 and has been completely repainted, also I put in a metal pilot Peter Pig.

How To Make A Baby Carriage Out Of Diapers


I've been to Lucca Comics and Games on Friday, the first day of the event. This year the tent that housed Lucca Games was divided roughly into three areas: Games, Fantasy, Games history with a good space dedicated to the wargame.
My impression may be distorted by the relatively low turnout due to the working day, but I have noticed a decreasing presence of the public according to the three sectors, more video games, Fantasy and crowded the town almost deserted the sector, as evidenced by the three following photos.

This does nothing but confirm that the historic area, in the field of play, is what pulls less. The explanation for this phenomenon, in my opinion, is due to less and less desire (or ability) to "do" that occurs in our society, not just the younger generation.
The game offers a complete product, ready to use immediately and with a few gestures.
The Fantasy already requires a minimum commitment of more, however, is precisely that of products where the imagination plays a large part, this leaves a wide freedom to players. No one can challenge a dragon pink or blue dots that a megaphablaster with a blow to delete an entire squadron of starfighters. Also, the Fantasy, there are many products "open and play," complete with all regulations, sometimes pre-painted miniatures, etc..

The historical section, and more particularly the historical wargame, on the other hand requires a big commitment. It 'difficult, in fact, found in this product sector "Open and play", although some steps in this direction have been made, just think of models called "Fast Assembly" in 1 / 72 scale made of very few pieces of easy assembly while maintaining a good level modeling and "Wings of War" game of aerial combat dedicated to World War I and II, right product "open and play."
Fantasy Games and now offers products for most Italian, on the contrary, the historical precedence of the products in the English language. This language is a first barrier against which confronts the historian who get to watch. No matter how hard the school has made in recent decades, English is still a small language spoken in Italy, or at least spoken by the little historical prospective players.
The other real obstacle which confronts the potential involved, has exceeded even that of language, is the "must do".
Unlike the other two sectors, First there is the historic little or nothing. One of the most common that I sometimes, when I make some demonstration of wargame, is that many people believe that soldiers, vehicles and landscape elements are in the shop already painted and ready for use. The moment they hear to the contrary, that all material must be purchased in the rough, then assembled and painted, show suffered an immediate decline in enthusiasm and interest.
The last barrier which clashes with the potential interest is that of historical research. In the historic nothing can be invented, we must always refer to the documentation for the painting of soldiers and vehicles, for Reconstruction of the fighting and for the potential of various weapons.
this is the real problem is the historic before playing it should be "doing" very well. In short, there is, in fact, the need to find the one that suits our needs / tastes, do historical research on both the uniform is on the battles, find, and paint the miniatures necessary, prepare the elements of landscape, scenery and experience the may consider special rules to adapt the rules chosen in particular situations existing in reality we want to play on the table. In short, we must think for themselves. Obviously
For me these issues are just the best and most exciting offering the historian, but unfortunately there are many who think so.
The current tendency is to want everything ready, intravenous absorb, without effort or too wound up and manual labor (even at the level of hobby) is not well seen. To make a digression
culinary, today almost no one uses the "crescent" for chopping food, yet a food made with chopped done with the crescent is much more tasty than one made with chopped done with an electric mixer.
should begin from the school by replacing those programs that were once called "technical application" in order to accustom the children from infancy to the use of tools and equipment, so as to enable the acquisition of a "manual" which in any case it will be useful in life, if only to repair a leaky faucet at home.
This is not to say that computer and video games consider the absolute evil, indeed.
If computers and related programs were actually used intelligently by the users, I would have nothing to complain about, but how many today, including the vast majority of computer users born in time, they know how a computer works, from what is made, What is the function the various elements and how to write a simple program? Almost none, because they found a ready-made products with the sole task of using it and it did.
go on like this, the risk is to have a society composed of a majority of persons who usufructuaries depends on a small group of, let's call, "creative", capable of designing and producing the necessary products to the masses.