Friday, March 27, 2009

What Movies Are In Movieplex

Our initiatives such as "see" the blindness? Our initiatives

Let's talk about blindness. Let's talk, because there are those who are afraid of words, fear of using the right words to describe a disability, a condition, and because vivamo in contrast with an inherent in humans, the hypocrisy, which hinders the healthy curiosity of wanting to appoint no more cumbersome or judge.
us feel free to call a spade a spade ..

From "Il Resto del Carlino of Bologna.
A blind man does not want pity but freedom to move. Facts are not empty words. (...) The term

blind as an adjective and noun is not offensive but is a condition, that of blindness, saying "blind", perhaps you should not even say vedenza? E 'nonsense! However
the blind in any way you call it is blind.
regard to the different skills that I possess a blind one: it's free an important way and she has a sixth. A blind man is like all! The difference is that you can not read nor write and has a difficult mobility. Knowledge of Braille and the use of the stick, would these different abilities? Anyone can learn the willing, but only for a blind studies are essential.
calls a blind man with his name, but leave it free to move alone without the risk of treading on dog excrement, of having to find a way through the parked cars on sidewalks, give audible traffic lights, no roundabouts built in the city.
No mercy! Only understanding.
Chiara Carlini


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