> Classical Music Concert in Ladispoli (RM)
> Prevention Day in Ladispoli Eyes (RM)
> Research Volunteers for Civil Services
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Eye Day a great success
The event organized by the Italian Blind Ladispoli has gone beyond our most optimistic forecasts
Prevention Day is organized by the Italian Eye Blind and Visually Impaired, representing Ladispoli, and Section Provincial Uicdi Rome, has a public success beyond the most optimistic forecasts. The visits were carried out in the central square in Ladispoli Roberto Rossellini in the camper unit 'mobile ophthalmic made available to the' International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) as part of a program that will visit some cities in the province of Rome. The mobile unit was equipped with the necessary electronic equipment and the visits were carried out with professionalism and care by Dr. Pamela Cosimi assisted by his assistant. The visits lasted an average of 15-20 minutes, depending on the conditions encountered, and were then made about 30 visits from 10 to 18 without stopping no. People who have applied for visit were far superior and we are very sorry for not being able to please everyone. The purpose of the e 'to make known to the public about diseases that can cause blindness only in Italy that involves over a million people. The high turnout confirms the validity of these initiatives and citizens' interest in eye health. The prevention and proper information are important to promote early diagnosis, an essential tool in order to avoid irreversible damage that often accompany the development of the disease. Dr. Pamela Cosimi confirmed to us that during its investigations were identified cases of disease for which people visit were sent to specialists for further investigation. Talking with some people waiting to be visited for a long time we have learned that a citizen must still endure to book an eye examination specialist in public health. We hope that in future people can more easily take advantage of the instruments of control, because "prevention is better than cure" is a slogan that in this case there seems to really spot on.
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