Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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I bought a green laser pointer on ebay and I decided to use it for my ligthbridge 12 " as a seeker, so I set to work and even though I loath the use of drugs have been useful here, more 'than anything else the housing ...

Luckily I had support from the seeker of my old ds 114 which fit perfectly with the slide of the dobson so I played two holes, one in front and one on the top of the pack, and I put the pointer to
to remain on the laser I used a plastic washer with a central hole of the container, to which I applied another washer more 'small centrally staggered, so while you turn the washer main secondary pressures the power button the entire project was completed in a rather Spartan, but if you want you can finish as you like, I hope it will be useful to someone.

Friday, March 27, 2009

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Featured Local Section

> Local Section -info and services (click here)
> Civil Service information and details (click here)
> info and links for the blind (click here)
> Press (click here)
> initiatives to socialize: Concerts, Parties, etc..
> -initiatives required to enhance our lives
> want more? are interested in giving a little of your time? send us an email

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info and links for the blind

=============================== ==================
> UIC National
> UIC Rome the provincial
> UNIQUE ass.volontariato in favor of the visually impaired
> Pernoo- Discounts and more about the world of disability
> portal full of data on disability
> Liproparlato help the blind to approach the reading
> Resources and Information on Eye Diseases
> various sites for the blind
> HandyLex - Legislation sull'handycap
> Italian Library for the Blind -Queen Elena Milan
> Institute S. Alessio-Roma regional center for the blind
> F. Cavazza Institute - Bologna, products, services and aids
> Winguido multifunction program for the blind What Happened

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informed by conscience, is our priority: we sent a letter to doctors in the district headquarters of our sponsorship of UICI Ladispoli: a way to get closer to all those patients who do not know us and that we do not know, and at the same time to help doctors who often do not know where to refer patients with impaired vision.

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walk in Ladispoli would be wonderful if we did not have to deal daily with road hazards and pitfalls: a blind man with these things we fight every day, and not always won his battles.

The Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Ladispoli is the mouthpiece of the right of all citizens, that dell'attraversamento safely.

publish the following two letters addressed to municipal managers, who report in summary the key points that we need the second traffic light aids.


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Our initiatives such as "see" the blindness? Our initiatives

Let's talk about blindness. Let's talk, because there are those who are afraid of words, fear of using the right words to describe a disability, a condition, and because vivamo in contrast with an inherent in humans, the hypocrisy, which hinders the healthy curiosity of wanting to appoint no more cumbersome or judge.
us feel free to call a spade a spade ..

From "Il Resto del Carlino of Bologna.
A blind man does not want pity but freedom to move. Facts are not empty words. (...) The term

blind as an adjective and noun is not offensive but is a condition, that of blindness, saying "blind", perhaps you should not even say vedenza? E 'nonsense! However
the blind in any way you call it is blind.
regard to the different skills that I possess a blind one: it's free an important way and she has a sixth. A blind man is like all! The difference is that you can not read nor write and has a difficult mobility. Knowledge of Braille and the use of the stick, would these different abilities? Anyone can learn the willing, but only for a blind studies are essential.
calls a blind man with his name, but leave it free to move alone without the risk of treading on dog excrement, of having to find a way through the parked cars on sidewalks, give audible traffic lights, no roundabouts built in the city.
No mercy! Only understanding.
Chiara Carlini

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Headquartered Ladispoli is very young, but leaves nothing to chance is not at all "big baby", and from lot to do for the removal of architectural barriers in this city ever espansione.Vogliamo share with you the initiatives for a year now, the representation of Ladispoli is leading forward on behalf of all citizens, and among the many initiatives and requests remember that sent on 20/11/2008 at Seatour srl likely to make buses more "silent" to prevent the noise resulting disorient passengers, first those with visual impairments; Seatour the other hand, responded that the discomfort does not depend on motor vehicles, but on the road this instability in some arteries of the town on the coast.

The Representative thanked the UIC Seatour the swift response and the willingness that you send in the reply, and pray the city administration to take action about the traffic disruptions are still present in some arteries Ladispoli.

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Civil Service - info and details

National Civil Service
choice that changes your life

What a unique opportunity for young people to have an experience of solidarity with an educational value and educational opportunity for personal growth. Requirements: young people aged between 18 and 28 years - high school diploma - Italian citizenship - Duration: 12 months - Note: After you release a certificate certifying the skills acquired, valid for the purposes of curriculum vitae, at present there is a refund of € 433.80 per month.
more info: site
's Italian Union of Blind and Visually Impaired uses of the National Civil Service. Even the local branch of Ladispoli looking for volunteers.
Contact us for information and to apply to the next call: email

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In this section you can mink
Classical Music Concert in Ladispoli (RM)
> Prevention Day in Ladispoli Eyes (RM)
> Research Volunteers for Civil Services
> x

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Eye Day a great success
The event organized by the Italian Blind Ladispoli has gone beyond our most optimistic forecasts
Prevention Day is organized by the Italian Eye Blind and Visually Impaired, representing Ladispoli, and Section Provincial Uicdi Rome, has a public success beyond the most optimistic forecasts. The visits were carried out in the central square in Ladispoli Roberto Rossellini in the camper unit 'mobile ophthalmic made available to the' International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) as part of a program that will visit some cities in the province of Rome. The mobile unit was equipped with the necessary electronic equipment and the visits were carried out with professionalism and care by Dr. Pamela Cosimi assisted by his assistant. The visits lasted an average of 15-20 minutes, depending on the conditions encountered, and were then made about 30 visits from 10 to 18 without stopping no. People who have applied for visit were far superior and we are very sorry for not being able to please everyone. The purpose of the e 'to make known to the public about diseases that can cause blindness only in Italy that involves over a million people. The high turnout confirms the validity of these initiatives and citizens' interest in eye health. The prevention and proper information are important to promote early diagnosis, an essential tool in order to avoid irreversible damage that often accompany the development of the disease. Dr. Pamela Cosimi confirmed to us that during its investigations were identified cases of disease for which people visit were sent to specialists for further investigation. Talking with some people waiting to be visited for a long time we have learned that a citizen must still endure to book an eye examination specialist in public health. We hope that in future people can more easily take advantage of the instruments of control, because "prevention is better than cure" is a slogan that in this case there seems to really spot on.
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UIC . Ladispoli.Sez14

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Initiatives: Concerts, Parties, various

In this section you can mink:
> Classical Music Concert 2006
> Party members Ladispoli, Rome, volunteers
> UIC participates in the " Festival of Smiles ", organized by
> Concerto" Solidarity in Music "06.13.2009 click here

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UIC- Classical Music Concert-Sept. 2006
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Music and Solidarity, vincente.Grande binomial response from the public to a concert organized by the representation localedir Ladispoli with the Provincial Section of Rome of the 'Italian Union of Blind and Visually Impaired.
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Music and Solidarity, duo win
Great response from the public to a concert organized by the UIC of Ladispoli. It took place on the afternoon of Sunday, September 17, 2006, in the beautiful assembly room of the City of Ladispoli, a Music Concert Voice "organized by the local representation of the provincial section of Rome, the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired. The concert is part of a series of initiatives that aim to raise public awareness on the problems that daily confront the people who are blind or with great difficulty to the view. The event was organized by members and local volunteers with the collaboration of the provincial section of the UIC. Despite the uncertain weather the hall was so crowded that the audience took place in the ring than the room. The ingredients of the event were simple: a piano, two singers and a pianist. But the success is mainly attributable to the skill of the performers and their unique desire to express himself through music. Recall that the two performers are artists who are blind who have completed various important musical experiences. The Japanese soprano Rie Sawada and baritone Roberto Curio , accompanied with great professionalism by the plan Satoko Kawabata and masterfully presented and introduced by the master Valerio Ducks have done Opera Arias, Arie Chamber and Neapolitan songs: among them include arias from The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini, I Capuleti ei Montecchi V. Bellini, from Don Giovanni by WA Mozart, by Lucia Lammermour of G. Donizetti, from Gianni Schicchi by G. Der Wegweiser Pucino and F. Schubert, Ideal FP Tosti, Torna a Surriento E. De Curtis, I love you love you very anonymous for precisely these last two songs have closed the evening with the public who has requested an encore, singing in choir this popular songs. The concert was attended by a group of Alife (Caserta) of 11 disabled people accompanied by Caritas volunteers who were on a trip at the Don Guanella of Passoscuro. At the end of the concert, the group did some souvenir photo with the performers to demonstrate the appreciation of the exhibition and the resulting opportunity to gather and socialize. Rie Sawada Also, we are sure to return Japan will bring good memories of the evening and the loving welcome he received in our cittadina.La hope that events like this are increasingly the consensus and public favor, especially among young people.
UIC-party partners Ladispoli, Rome, volunteers
Festival held in Ladispoli (Rome) among the members of the local section, volunteers, members of the section of UIC Roma.Un social lunch as an opportunity to be together, UNPO of music and fun.
A nice way to overcome the barriers of all kinds.
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L 'Ladispoli UIC participates in the "Celebration of Smiles"
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Party organized by CAL to promote voluntary and local associations
, music, sports and many information booths.
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