Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long Will I Take Omeprazole

The first two weeks of 2011 have been very productive in terms of Workouts for now I'm not accusing the alarm at 06:00. In all three disciplines I'm doing almost exclusively exercises technique to recover the right moves and do not work too hard.
Swimming with classical technique exercises, riding a bike on rollers with only one leg and easy sfr, skip a race with high knees, running around kicking with sets of 30''and lightweight sprint uphill. For now keep even one session per week with weights for upper body seen the short sessions of swimming that I can do.

The long break I have uploaded a lot mentally, and now the difficulty is not to get caught by the desire to overdo it .. I have not planned the 2011 season but the first few races which take part are certainly not short!


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