Monday, January 31, 2011

1940 Funny Wedding Cards

Today my dear brother Jarno celebrates the 37 springs .. PHENOMENON GREETINGS!
Given the enthusiasm that you're taking I am sure that the 2011 gives you a season full of satisfaction. As usual you will need to be more careful not to overdo it to train it properly, even if the timing of the caps are far bic .. brother do you remember?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Online Ftv Midnight Channel

Yesterday Sara has made five years and celebrated his birthday with his fellow seekers, the sister Giulia and cousin Michelangelo. Thanks to grandparents and his mother Silvia was a big party .. Cards still small!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where Can Iget Full Bangbros Vids


I finally completed the British ships escorting the convoy Harpoon, I now have everything you need to recreate the Battle of Pantelleria in 1942, which will be the next scenario will play as soon as we finished what we're currently playing with Rapid Fire II regulation and set on the Russian front.

While on the Russian front of my tanks are trying desperately to repel the advancing German tanks.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long Will I Take Omeprazole

The first two weeks of 2011 have been very productive in terms of Workouts for now I'm not accusing the alarm at 06:00. In all three disciplines I'm doing almost exclusively exercises technique to recover the right moves and do not work too hard.
Swimming with classical technique exercises, riding a bike on rollers with only one leg and easy sfr, skip a race with high knees, running around kicking with sets of 30''and lightweight sprint uphill. For now keep even one session per week with weights for upper body seen the short sessions of swimming that I can do.

The long break I have uploaded a lot mentally, and now the difficulty is not to get caught by the desire to overdo it .. I have not planned the 2011 season but the first few races which take part are certainly not short!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Accurate Is An Hiv Test At 30 Days?

During the Christmas holidays I restarted the engine in all three disciplines. Four months of almost total inactivity are being felt, and how, but there is plenty of time to find a decent condition before you immerse yourself in the race.
Right now they are just full of good intentions and really want to do them, then we will have to deal with the commitments of every day ..
I'm curious to see what I can do!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cutting Off Circulation To Forehead

Solar eclipse of January 4, 2011

Some photos of the eclipse taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC Fz10 from 4.0 megapixels and a welding filter:

shadow detail the leaves of an olive tree depicting the phases of the eclipse: