Thursday, May 20, 2010

Clarithromyc Fix Taste

Astrophotography with a nokia n80

As promised the public the photos of the artifact for the shooting of the Moon and planets, obviously not rismonterò the phone to demonstrate how to remove the lens , because those who will compete in that company will have a bit of practice in the disassembly mobile phones, also the operation is only to leave the sensor free and without lenses or filters in front.

the nokia n80 has been glued to the container where photographic films, which fits neatly with 31.8 mm eyepiece with hot glue (without even pasting the battery cover) ...

... the body section is positioned so that the sensor is positioned in the middle ...

... so the inclusion is centered in the eyepiece to it ....

... qust'ultima you see in the image of the Moon is resumed, and now the images of the moon of May 19, 2010, the photos are in black and white and also I used the self-timer to avoid oscillations .. ..

.. in the next two pictures I added a 2x Barlow lens ...

.... below are the latest of Mars and Saturn + satellite view if you have the eagle.

And now good luck to those who try this method, do it yourself .. let me know the risultati.Cieli calm at all.


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