Monday, February 28, 2011

Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer Swatch

A quiet Sunday at home, without the commitment of the garden is still dormant ..
.. Michael wants to look at all costs to his dad .. at home we are very elegant!
Malgrate Sunday there was a marathon Spinning .. Cycling ops .. as always, masterfully organized by the family Nail. The only drawback the acoustics of the hall where the voice echoed a lot .. nobody's perfect!

to dispose of too many I decibel Michelangelo and we relaxed on the shore of the lake to admire the swans and throw stones.
Saturday night we celebrated the birthday of a friend of Anita in Monticello Brianza at Osteria al 37 .. dinner but rather anonymous wines that good!
If it were not for me, which lowers the average would be nasty indeed a beautiful family!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Small Genitals Are Gross


After reading the book Lilin "Free Fall" what's better than trying the new regulation skirmish for the modern period of Ganesha Games "FLYING LEAD", depicting the beautiful miniatures in 28mm. Miniatures of the Red Star devoted to the conflict in Chechnya?
fact, I started to paint a group of Chechen rebels to be followed by a Russian team that will match the team described by Lilin saboteurs in his book.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Antique Wooden Iron Boards

Yesterday Michelangelo has taken two years and for the occasion the cousins \u200b\u200b Sara & Giulia prepared a delicious cake!

the other hand, Anita & Me we gave away a bicycle without pedals blue to encourage the development of balance .. Mik has not quite surrendered to the first difficulty, even gave us more determination than before. Our sample is already on the right track!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ketoconazole How Long

A little bit of time rearranging the puzzle is .. these days I found an excellent workout companion for swimming and the race that surely will give me valuable assistance in the preparation.
Brembate tomorrow there will be a three-hour Spinning at 13h00 and there are still a few free bikes. Anyone wishing to participate can call me or pools of Brembo. Good weekend to all!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Repairing Ripped Leather


PUFFY E. ......


Monday, February 14, 2011

Where To Buy Salvia Tacoma Wa

After six weeks of regular workouts can also unbalanced to say:
sport makes me feel good about myself and with others, add a bit of competitive spirit and try to move a little farther on my limits makes it more interesting.
After almost a year isolation of the muscles are struggling to regain strength and polish but for now I am more than happy to have found the enthusiasm of a time!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tortoises In Ontario, Canada

PANTELLERIA 15/06/1942 06/10/1941

I started playing the scenario of the Battle of Pantelleria, an episode of the wider Battle of Mid-June. Regulation
used is "Victory at Sea" heavily modified with all the amendments and not official, who appeared so far and with some rules extrapolated from other regulations, particularly those governing the launch of torpedoes.
the early rounds played seems to be the rules of the scenario that the mechanisms work well, trouble or need large corrections. We will see below whether everything will work as designed.

A German Junkers 88 dive the SS Troilus attacks, unfortunately (I kept the Axis forces) causing only damage to the hull.

A salvo fired by the RN Eugenio di Savoia all'HMS falls near Cairo.

The HMS Bedouin sinking after being hit by a salvo of torpedoes launched by the RN Ascari.
Quite a lucky shot because the odds of hitting the target, at the launch were 25%.

The current situation:
Italian forces are trying to circumvent the escort of the convoy from the North (2 Legg Inc.., 2 CT) and South (3 CT), in order to be able to attack British merchant ships en route to Malta. The British destroyers
Stock protect merchant ships spreading smoke screens and the cruiser Cairo AA team with the remaining destroyers attacked the Italian ships.
be noted, though not visible, the killing of a Beaufigther English by a German Me 109.

Origional 151 Pokemon


On the Eastern Front the Nazi-fascist attack on the village of Woin was arrested thanks to the courage of patriotic Soviet forces.
Despite the losses of the glorious Soviet armored forces have content first and then dismissed the Nazi panzer higher.
With a last desperate effort the Nazi infantry trying to take over the village, but was bloodily rejected.
The final situation saw the Nazi-fascist aggressor in full retreat to route their lines. Once again, the Holy Mother Russia was saved thanks to the leadership of Comrade Stalin and the courage of the workers and peasants of the Soviet Red Army. W

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spot On End Of Nose Get Rid

In these Michelangelo days is because of the influence ko .. Fortunately, there is a supermom who takes care of him! Hold Mik that soon will come the spring.